Practicing Resurrection Day 21


Mom…. it is complicated. It is easy to focus on the lack and the hurts that I received, and now, that I have doled out myself.  As I practice resurrection and intentionally look for life and grace, there is more that comes into better focus. I see all the laughter and fun you added to my life. I see the many brave moments you entered in and embraced your life. I see your kind and generous heart. I see that you did a lot with the hand you were dealt.  I remember without you I would not be me.

2 thoughts on “Practicing Resurrection Day 21

  1. Reblogged this on Inkblot Life and commented:

    Throwback Thursday… sometimes I focus on a thought for a short time and then I move on. I am realizing how often I need to come back to them and give them more attention. As I am usually late to the party, I am now jumping on the old idea of throwback Thursday to revisit some of those ideas. It is that time of year where I find myself staring at Mother’s Day cards. None seem to quite fit you or us. I do love you and am thankful for you. For without you, I am not me. Happy Mother’s Day.


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